Thursday, November 21, 2013

GEAR UP Field Trip Pictures

This fall, the 7th graders went to the Mobius Science Center and North Idaho College’s (NIC) Challenge Course with their mentors and the 8th graders toured NIC.  Here are some pictures from those trips. 

Chromebooks Are Here!

As you may remember from the September version of this newsletter, GEAR UP is providing Troy High School with 20 new Google Chromebooks.  You will be happy to learn they have finally arrived!

Once the computers are put on the school’s network and made safe for students to use, students will be able to sign up for a Google ID (or use an existing one) and use (or learn how to use) Google Drive.  The benefit of these laptops is that they only use an internet browser—they do not have any software on the computer.  This means that students will be able to work on them at school, save work to the cloud, and be able to access that work from any computer with internet access.

While the laptops will be primarily for the GEAR UP students in grades 7-9, all students at Troy High School will be able to use them. This mobile lab will be stored in the library. 

These computers are a much welcomed addition to the school.  Keep your eye out for these computers in your classroom after Thanksgiving break!

Junior High Enrichment Classes

All Junior High students are required to attend enrichment.  Enrichment classes were designed for junior high students to be taught curriculum and learn skills that are not taught during the school day.
For 7th graders, they spend two days a week in a study hall supervised by Ms. Randall.  This is a time for students to work on homework, study for tests or quizzes, or stay organized and make sure their planners are filled out completely and properly for all their classes.

The other two days, 7th graders attend Ms. Davis’ Preparing for High School Success class.  There are three focuses for this class:  career development, study skills, and leadership.  This is also the class where 7th graders learn about the GEAR UP program and all the fun things they will get to do in junior high and high school because of it!

8th graders spend two days per week in Mrs. Palmer’s Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) class and two days per week in Mr. Morris’ Study Skills class.

The STEM class provides students with exciting opportunities to explore STEM concepts in fun and hands-on ways.  The Study Skills class aims to teach students the skills they need to succeed right now in school.

Overall, these enrichment classes have been a great success.  These classes are made possible through the GEAR UP grant and are an exciting opportunity for the students in Troy.

Future GEAR UP Field Trips

· 7th graders to Flathead Valley Comm. College in Feb.
· 9th grade to U of Montana-Missoula in Spring
· 9th grade STEM field trip in Winter/Spring
· 7th/8th grade STEM field trips in Spring

Top Five Ways to Be a Better Student

#5 Get Organized!
GEAR UP provides planners for students in grades 7-9 in order to help with this goal.  Make sure to keep track of all homes,            assignments, and tests to help you stay organized and up-to-date.

#4 Take Notes
Most teachers do some note taking in class but it is up to you to be consistent.  Be sure you make this a habit as these notes are what you can study to do better on tests and quizzes.

#3 Ask Questions
If you don’t understand something in class, make sure you ask the teacher for help!  Teachers want you to do well in school and   sometimes it is up to you to take that first step to ask for help.

#2 Infinite Campus
Get into the habit of looking at your grades on Infinite Campus.  Ask your parents to do the same.  This way you know updated information about your grade and can learn how to improve your grade in    certain areas.

#1 Stay On Task
in Class
If you can choose where you sit, sit near the front of the classroom, or ask the teacher if you can sit near the front.  Also, by eating a nutritious breakfast and lunch, you will give your brain and body the energy it needs to be productive during the day and  pay attention in class.