Thursday, November 21, 2013

Top Five Ways to Be a Better Student

#5 Get Organized!
GEAR UP provides planners for students in grades 7-9 in order to help with this goal.  Make sure to keep track of all homes,            assignments, and tests to help you stay organized and up-to-date.

#4 Take Notes
Most teachers do some note taking in class but it is up to you to be consistent.  Be sure you make this a habit as these notes are what you can study to do better on tests and quizzes.

#3 Ask Questions
If you don’t understand something in class, make sure you ask the teacher for help!  Teachers want you to do well in school and   sometimes it is up to you to take that first step to ask for help.

#2 Infinite Campus
Get into the habit of looking at your grades on Infinite Campus.  Ask your parents to do the same.  This way you know updated information about your grade and can learn how to improve your grade in    certain areas.

#1 Stay On Task
in Class
If you can choose where you sit, sit near the front of the classroom, or ask the teacher if you can sit near the front.  Also, by eating a nutritious breakfast and lunch, you will give your brain and body the energy it needs to be productive during the day and  pay attention in class.

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