Friday, September 13, 2013

Top Five Ways for Kids to Save $$$ For College!

#5 Make smart purchases
The best way to save money is to not spend money!  When you find something you really want to buy, wait 48 hours before you buy it to see if you change your mind.

#4 Always save 10%
Take 10% of any money you earn or get as a present and put it away.  You’ll be amazed at how that money will grow when you know you won’t be spending it!

                         #3 Write it down!
If you’re really trying to save money, whether it be for college or something else, write down what you buy.  This will help you to see where you are spending money and if you can make any changes.

#2 Start a change jar
A simple way to turn all that change into some cash!  Keep a jar in your room or house and add any coins you find to it.  You’ll be surprised at how much it will be worth after only a little while of doing this.

#1 Open a bank account
This is a great place to put away the 10% you are saving.  It will help develop good future money habits if you get used to handling your money through a bank.

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