Tuesday, December 17, 2013

GEAR UP Parent Information Meeting Thursday, December 19th from 6:00-7:00 pm

A GEAR UP Information Meeting will be held on Thursday, December 19th from 6:00-7:00 pm. 
The meeting will take place in Ms. Beal’s classroom at the top of the stairs in the junior high school. It is open to all parents/guardians of 7th-9th graders.
Topics discussed will be:
· What is GEAR UP?
· How your 7th-9th grade student will benefit from GEAR UP
· GEAR UP events for the   2013-2014 school year
· For 8th grade parents: Take a look at your son/daughter’s EXPLORE test results and learn how the results can help your son/daughter reach his/her future goals.
Refreshments will be provided.  Be sure to stay for the Junior High and High School Holiday Concert after the meeting from 7:00-8:30pm!

Since parental involvement is so important, any 7th-9th grade  student who has a parent/guardian show up to the meeting will get to participate in a donut party after Christmas break!

9th Graders visit Lincoln County Campus of FVCC

              On Thursday, December 5th, all of Troy’s 9th graders visited the Lincoln County Campus of Flathead Valley Community College in Libby to experience “College for a Day.” 
              When they were in 8th grade, the students visited the Kalispell campus of FVCC, but many of the students had never visited the campus that is just 20 minutes away from Troy.
              The day was organized to give students a better idea of what a typical day in college looks like.  Students visited classes in Social Science, Health Sciences, Math, and the Trades.
They also listened to a student panel and asked many questions about campus life, cost, types of classes, amount of homework, and scheduling.  This college is a great fit for students who want to live at home and save money while starting college.

How Much Does it Cost to Attend College?

Click on the link below to find out!


National Geographic Bee Competition

On Friday, January 10th, students in grades 4-8 will be participating in Troy High School’s National Geographic Bee.  This is a national competition that students all over the country will be participating in at their home schools.

Students have until Wednesday, December 18th to sign up in the school’s office.  During lunch study hall, students are studying for the bee with Ms. Davis.  Other teachers are practicing with their students, and all social studies classes will be holding practice bees to prepare for the event. Last year’s winner was Annie Day.  Good luck to all students!

How to Set SMART Goals for Yourself

Your goal should address the six W questions (who, what, where, when, why, which) because a specific goal is more likely to be reached than a general goal.

Set concrete steps so you can measure your progress along the way.

Identify the goals that are most important to you.  These goals will usually help you improve your life in some way, whether it be through friendships, school, or something else!

Identify the goals that you are not only willing to work toward but that you want to work toward.  Then you will know that the goal is realistic.  It doesn’t make sense to set a goal that you are not interested in reaching.

Your goal should have a time frame: “I will ______ by the end of the semester.” By putting a time on it, there will be a sense of urgency to get it completed!