Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How to Set SMART Goals for Yourself

Your goal should address the six W questions (who, what, where, when, why, which) because a specific goal is more likely to be reached than a general goal.

Set concrete steps so you can measure your progress along the way.

Identify the goals that are most important to you.  These goals will usually help you improve your life in some way, whether it be through friendships, school, or something else!

Identify the goals that you are not only willing to work toward but that you want to work toward.  Then you will know that the goal is realistic.  It doesn’t make sense to set a goal that you are not interested in reaching.

Your goal should have a time frame: “I will ______ by the end of the semester.” By putting a time on it, there will be a sense of urgency to get it completed!

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