Thursday, January 23, 2014


On Friday, January 10th, the National Geographic Bee was held in the high school auditorium. 33 students in grades 4-8 participated and all students in those grades were in the audience to watch the competition as well as many parents and teachers.

The winner of the competition was A.J. Faur, who is in the 8th grade.  The next step for A.J. is to take a 70 question multiple choice test.  If he scores high enough on the test, he will be eligible to participate in the state bee.

The competition was a lot of fun for both the participants and observers.  Participants were supporting each other and giving each other high fives as each went up to the microphone to answer a geography question.

After the preliminary round, nine finalists moved forward and the championship round was between A.J. Faur and Kaitlyn Downey. Both answered one out of three questions correctly. Then, the championship round went to a tiebreaker, and the final question was: The Donets Basin is an industrial area shared by Russia and which neighboring country to the west?  A.J. gave the correct answer, which was Ukraine.

Congratulations to all the participants and good luck to A.J.! 

The winner and eight finalists for the National Geographic Bee are pictured on the stage after the competition. From right to left: A.J. Faur (winner), Tristyn Winebark, Sarah Osborn, Allie Coldwell, Maizey Johnson, Kaitlyn Downey, Zach Cotten, Jaymin Stever, Austin McCully, and Ms. Davis

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