Monday, September 24, 2012

Advisory Period

Every day, students in grades 7-12 meet in the same classroom during advisory.  Mondays through Thursdays are for silent reading.  On Fridays, the groups complete an activity together.  For the month of September, the theme was teambuilding.  Activities are designed to be fun, engaging, and help students get to know each other.
Research has shown many benefits of advisory in a school setting.  Some of those benefits include:

  • · Improved relationships between students and teachers
  • · An increased sense of trust and belonging
  • · Better communication among all members of the school community
  • · A strong atmosphere of equality
  • · Reduced student smoking and alcohol use

   Students will stay with their advisory teachers throughout their junior high and high school
    career.  October’s topic will be goal setting to help students reach their academic and personal 


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