Monday, September 24, 2012

GEAR UP Summer Camps

Did you know that some of our students spent last summer solving crimes, looking at bones, and living in a college dormitories? 
Twelve junior high students participated in GEAR UP summer camps that were held at MSU Northern, the University of Missoula, The University of Montana Western, and Dawson Community College. 
Students were given the permission forms for these FREE camps back in the spring.  They lived in real dormitories, ate food in the cafeteria, and participated in activities ranging from archaeology to academic skill building with students from all over Montana.
Next year, the 6th and 7th grade students will be eligible for these camps.  Information will be available in the spring.
Read the interview  for one student’s opinion of one of the camps!

1 comment:

  1. I just have to say that this is a wonderful program and extremely beneficial to these kids.. My daughter participated in last summer's CSI camp at University of Montana Western and she loved it and would love to be able to experience some of the other camps as well. Would there be any way for some of these 8th grade students to participate and be able to experience one of the other programs? I just feel if it was possible that this should be available to students through 10/11th grade seeing how many still don't know what they want to do and some have never been in the program I know I would love it if my oldest who is a 10th grader this year could experience one of these camps.

    Over all this is a great program and I think it's a great step in allowing our kids to see what's it's like first hand to be in college.

    Thank you for giving our children this opportunity!

    Ronda Colgan
