Monday, November 5, 2012

Preparing for High School Success

All 7th grade students are currently enrolled in “Preparing for High School Success,” a one semester half block class taught by Ms. Davis.
The first unit of study was Career Development.  Students used the Montana Career Information System to learn about their skills and abilities as they relate to careers.  Then, students completed a PowerPoint presentation on a career of interest to the class.
We are now learning about study skills.  Working with the S.O.A.R. book, students have learned to take notes using the Cornell Method, learn about time management by tracking how they spend their time in an average week, and set priorities and goals related to school and being healthy.  Future topics include test taking strategies, writing research papers, interacting with teachers, and organization.
The study skills they are learning about are important for students of all ages.  Here are some excerpts from the S.O.A.R. book to help all students improve their study skills:
· The key to being a good student is finding a balance between school work and activities.
· The best thing you can do to prepare for class is to review your notes or read about the topic in your textbook before class.
· Review all notes within 24 hours of each class.
· Include drawings and visuals in your notes.
· Create questions that review concepts covered in notes to help you predict test questions.
· Study your notes by reading them out loud.
Woodcock Kruger, Susan, M.Ed. S.O.A.R. Study Skills. Grand Blanc, MI: Grand Lighthouse, 2011.

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