Monday, March 18, 2013

The Science of Play: Mobius Science Center

“It was the best field trip I have ever been on because we got to play with science stuff all day,” 8th grader  Dustin Dickerson said about the   junior high trip to the Mobius Science Center in Spokane on Thursday, March 7th.  52 students and 8 chaperones attended the trip, which was free for students to attend as it was a GEAR UP trip.
The Mobius Science Center opened in Spokane this past fall and has 26,000 square feet of 65 hands-on science    exhibits.  One of the popular exhibits amongst Troy’s students was Mindball, where students faced each other to see who could use their minds to move a ball the quickest, while watching their brain activity on a screen. 
Some brave students touched one of the snakes from the snake tank.  The other animals on display included frogs, spiders, turtles, and lizards.  A special thank you to our chaperones: Doug and Jeri Ann Chapel, Lisa Osborn, Jim Jones, Cookie Winslow, Jeremy Helmrick, Jordan Williams, and Nathan Olds.  

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