Tuesday, December 17, 2013

GEAR UP Parent Information Meeting Thursday, December 19th from 6:00-7:00 pm

A GEAR UP Information Meeting will be held on Thursday, December 19th from 6:00-7:00 pm. 
The meeting will take place in Ms. Beal’s classroom at the top of the stairs in the junior high school. It is open to all parents/guardians of 7th-9th graders.
Topics discussed will be:
· What is GEAR UP?
· How your 7th-9th grade student will benefit from GEAR UP
· GEAR UP events for the   2013-2014 school year
· For 8th grade parents: Take a look at your son/daughter’s EXPLORE test results and learn how the results can help your son/daughter reach his/her future goals.
Refreshments will be provided.  Be sure to stay for the Junior High and High School Holiday Concert after the meeting from 7:00-8:30pm!

Since parental involvement is so important, any 7th-9th grade  student who has a parent/guardian show up to the meeting will get to participate in a donut party after Christmas break!

9th Graders visit Lincoln County Campus of FVCC

              On Thursday, December 5th, all of Troy’s 9th graders visited the Lincoln County Campus of Flathead Valley Community College in Libby to experience “College for a Day.” 
              When they were in 8th grade, the students visited the Kalispell campus of FVCC, but many of the students had never visited the campus that is just 20 minutes away from Troy.
              The day was organized to give students a better idea of what a typical day in college looks like.  Students visited classes in Social Science, Health Sciences, Math, and the Trades.
They also listened to a student panel and asked many questions about campus life, cost, types of classes, amount of homework, and scheduling.  This college is a great fit for students who want to live at home and save money while starting college.

How Much Does it Cost to Attend College?

Click on the link below to find out!


National Geographic Bee Competition

On Friday, January 10th, students in grades 4-8 will be participating in Troy High School’s National Geographic Bee.  This is a national competition that students all over the country will be participating in at their home schools.

Students have until Wednesday, December 18th to sign up in the school’s office.  During lunch study hall, students are studying for the bee with Ms. Davis.  Other teachers are practicing with their students, and all social studies classes will be holding practice bees to prepare for the event. Last year’s winner was Annie Day.  Good luck to all students!

How to Set SMART Goals for Yourself

Your goal should address the six W questions (who, what, where, when, why, which) because a specific goal is more likely to be reached than a general goal.

Set concrete steps so you can measure your progress along the way.

Identify the goals that are most important to you.  These goals will usually help you improve your life in some way, whether it be through friendships, school, or something else!

Identify the goals that you are not only willing to work toward but that you want to work toward.  Then you will know that the goal is realistic.  It doesn’t make sense to set a goal that you are not interested in reaching.

Your goal should have a time frame: “I will ______ by the end of the semester.” By putting a time on it, there will be a sense of urgency to get it completed!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

GEAR UP Field Trip Pictures

This fall, the 7th graders went to the Mobius Science Center and North Idaho College’s (NIC) Challenge Course with their mentors and the 8th graders toured NIC.  Here are some pictures from those trips. 

Chromebooks Are Here!

As you may remember from the September version of this newsletter, GEAR UP is providing Troy High School with 20 new Google Chromebooks.  You will be happy to learn they have finally arrived!

Once the computers are put on the school’s network and made safe for students to use, students will be able to sign up for a Google ID (or use an existing one) and use (or learn how to use) Google Drive.  The benefit of these laptops is that they only use an internet browser—they do not have any software on the computer.  This means that students will be able to work on them at school, save work to the cloud, and be able to access that work from any computer with internet access.

While the laptops will be primarily for the GEAR UP students in grades 7-9, all students at Troy High School will be able to use them. This mobile lab will be stored in the library. 

These computers are a much welcomed addition to the school.  Keep your eye out for these computers in your classroom after Thanksgiving break!

Junior High Enrichment Classes

All Junior High students are required to attend enrichment.  Enrichment classes were designed for junior high students to be taught curriculum and learn skills that are not taught during the school day.
For 7th graders, they spend two days a week in a study hall supervised by Ms. Randall.  This is a time for students to work on homework, study for tests or quizzes, or stay organized and make sure their planners are filled out completely and properly for all their classes.

The other two days, 7th graders attend Ms. Davis’ Preparing for High School Success class.  There are three focuses for this class:  career development, study skills, and leadership.  This is also the class where 7th graders learn about the GEAR UP program and all the fun things they will get to do in junior high and high school because of it!

8th graders spend two days per week in Mrs. Palmer’s Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) class and two days per week in Mr. Morris’ Study Skills class.

The STEM class provides students with exciting opportunities to explore STEM concepts in fun and hands-on ways.  The Study Skills class aims to teach students the skills they need to succeed right now in school.

Overall, these enrichment classes have been a great success.  These classes are made possible through the GEAR UP grant and are an exciting opportunity for the students in Troy.

Future GEAR UP Field Trips

· 7th graders to Flathead Valley Comm. College in Feb.
· 9th grade to U of Montana-Missoula in Spring
· 9th grade STEM field trip in Winter/Spring
· 7th/8th grade STEM field trips in Spring

Top Five Ways to Be a Better Student

#5 Get Organized!
GEAR UP provides planners for students in grades 7-9 in order to help with this goal.  Make sure to keep track of all homes,            assignments, and tests to help you stay organized and up-to-date.

#4 Take Notes
Most teachers do some note taking in class but it is up to you to be consistent.  Be sure you make this a habit as these notes are what you can study to do better on tests and quizzes.

#3 Ask Questions
If you don’t understand something in class, make sure you ask the teacher for help!  Teachers want you to do well in school and   sometimes it is up to you to take that first step to ask for help.

#2 Infinite Campus
Get into the habit of looking at your grades on Infinite Campus.  Ask your parents to do the same.  This way you know updated information about your grade and can learn how to improve your grade in    certain areas.

#1 Stay On Task
in Class
If you can choose where you sit, sit near the front of the classroom, or ask the teacher if you can sit near the front.  Also, by eating a nutritious breakfast and lunch, you will give your brain and body the energy it needs to be productive during the day and  pay attention in class.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Top Five Ways for Kids to Save $$$ For College!

#5 Make smart purchases
The best way to save money is to not spend money!  When you find something you really want to buy, wait 48 hours before you buy it to see if you change your mind.

#4 Always save 10%
Take 10% of any money you earn or get as a present and put it away.  You’ll be amazed at how that money will grow when you know you won’t be spending it!

                         #3 Write it down!
If you’re really trying to save money, whether it be for college or something else, write down what you buy.  This will help you to see where you are spending money and if you can make any changes.

#2 Start a change jar
A simple way to turn all that change into some cash!  Keep a jar in your room or house and add any coins you find to it.  You’ll be surprised at how much it will be worth after only a little while of doing this.

#1 Open a bank account
This is a great place to put away the 10% you are saving.  It will help develop good future money habits if you get used to handling your money through a bank.

This Summer, I Went to College!!

     “My favorite part of the Helena College camp was when we went rafting for two hours!” said Kenzie Wallace, who went to the “Preserving the Planet” camp at Carroll College this summer.

     This year’s 7th-9th graders were eligible to attend these free camps. 
     All students who applied were accepted into a camp, and a total of eleven students from Troy attended.

     The purpose of these free camps is to allow students to see what life is like at college while learning about a variety of topics and of course having a lot of fun!

“I didn’t think it would be that fun.  I really liked the nice people there,” Hunter Leighty said.  He also attended the Carroll College camp.

     “I learned about criminology in Glendive.  Also, their food was awesome!” said Tristyn Winebark, who attended the GEARing UP for College camp at Dawson Community College.

The parents of the students who attended also showed enthusiasm for the effects of the camp.  Parents reported that their son/daughter is more interested in college, met new friends from across Montana, and experienced what it is like to be away from home.

     Information about next year’s summer camps will be available in March 2014. If you have any questions about the summer camps, please contact Sarah Davis at the school.

GEAR UP Programs and Activities for the 13-14 School Year

· The hiring of Donna White, our new Student Intervention Coordinator, who will be working with students, parents, and teachers to increase academic achievement

· 20 New Google Chromebook   Laptops

· 25 New Graphing Calculators to be used in Algebra I

· ALEKS online math program for use by 9th graders

· National Geographic Bee

· After school tutoring and snacks two days per week

· Monthly donut parties for students

· Monthly GEAR UP newsletter mailed home to all 7th-9th grade parents

· Planners for all GEAR UP students

· Financial Aid Training for students

· 7th Grade College Visit to Flathead Valley Community College

· 8th Grade College Visit to North Idaho College

· 9th Grade College Visit to University of Montana-Missoula

· 7th, 8th, and 9th grade STEM field  trips

· Parent Information Meetings

What is GEAR UP?

The goal of GEAR UP is to get the 7th-9th grade students thinking about career options, where they want to go to college, how to pay for it, and how to do well in school now to make sure they get there!

GEAR UP is a federal grant that helps 18 schools across Montana make sure that their students are thinking about college and careers from an early age.
In the past two years that GEAR UP has been in Troy, it has provided field trips to colleges and the Spokane Science Center, the EXPLORE test ( a preparation for the ACT), career speakers, the college fair and college student panel, the career fair, textbooks for classes on career development and study skills, and much more!

If you would like to learn more about GEAR UP and its role in your 7th-9th grade son/daughter’s life, please be sure to attend the parent information session during Parent Teacher Conferences on Tuesday, October 1st.  A reminder of this meeting will be advertised on Facebook and emailed to parents.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Attention GEAR UP Summer Campers!

The DCC GEAR UP Camp Pics can be found at www.dawson.edu
Quick links/photo gallery/
album: Student Activities/album: Gear Up 2013/album: June 24-28 or album: June 17-21

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Mentoring Video Link

Click here to learn about the student to student mentoring program at Troy High School!

Monday, April 15, 2013

GEAR UP Summer Programs

Information about the FREE GEAR UP Summer Programs has finally arrived!  The students eligible for these camps are the students who will be in 7th-9th grades during the 2013-2014 school year. You can find all the information and apply for the camps here:

This year’s camps are Riparian the Past at Montana Tech in Butte, GEARing UP for College at Dawson Community College in Glendive & Preserving the Planet at Carroll College in Helena.  There are other camps available in Missoula, Harlem, and Browning, but as they are day camps only, you would have to make arrangements for accommodation yourselves.  The deadline to apply is Thursday, April 25th.

Read what parents whose kids went to the camps last year have to say about the experience:

“I would recommend the camp to other parents.  I think it’s a good experience for the kids to meet other students from around the state.  It's also fun for the kids to experience dorm life and get a sample of campus life.” Lisa Osborn

My son Tyler had a great time and is looking forward to next year. Tyler wanted to participate in the GEAR UP program for many reason, but the biggest reason was because he is interested in paleontology for his future career. Tyler looks forward to becoming a student at the university of Missoula.” Melissa Rebo

“I would absolutely recommend this or any other camp to everyone. Any different and unique experiences we can give our kids will only help them to live in this global economy. And getting them to feel comfortable that college is their next step is an added bonus for all of us.” Kathy Cotten

“I am very grateful for the experience Christian had from this, and he is excited to be able to try this again next year.  He came home excited about some of the things he learned, and by the people he met.  He has such wonderful stories about his trip.” Brandee Welcome

“GEAR UP camps are great for kids to learn about colleges, and  the camp advisors are very professional.  It is a great way for kids to meet kids their age with like interests.  My daughter loved it.” Daniece Stecher

“Kaitlyn wanted to go because she had never been to a summer camp before, and she thought they all sounded interesting. She had a terrific time, and I think it is a great opportunity for both students and parents to have a little independence in preparation for high school graduation. “ Amelia Downey

March in Review: The Career Fair

On Wednesday, March 27th, 20 local professionals gathered in the gym, ready to share the knowledge of their career to THS’ students.  Students in grades 7-9 had 45 minutes to visit as many of the tables as possible, to learn about the many careers available in the Troy area.  The room was full of energy as students examined the items on the tables that the professionals use in their daily work.

A special thank you to all the professionals who volunteered their time to educate our students about their career:  Terrie Lenhart from the City of Troy; Debbie Rogers from Debbie’s Pet Grooming; Lisa Osborn, Scott Markel, Russ Gautreaux, Rachel Reckin, and Cindy Betlach from the USFS; Jeri Ann and Doug Chapel from Chapel Cedar; Vince Brown from Libby Volunteer Ambulance; Evan Thompson from AltaCare; Tracy Nicely from Nicely-Dunn Real Estate; Bryan Farbridge, Renee Guisewite, Joe Pepiot, and Ross Julson from Revett Minerals—Troy Mine; Glenda Orr; Stacy Walenter from the Troy Library; and Shawna Kelsey and Peter Leusch from Yaak Valley Forest Council.